That's the question of the day (actually of the month). I finished my undergrad studies in August of this year (thanks to missing the CLEP exam by 1 point - bastards). I shouldn't harp on my college - it does fall under the UH system, although, contrary to popular belief, it's not technically a UH school. That's ok - my diploma will say UH - Downtown - that's all that really matters.
Here in lies the rub...I am a non-traditional student (at age 37 returning to get my undergrad I didn't fit in with the straight out of high school bunch). I didn't find the course work to be that challenging, some of the courses were interesting, just no challenging. I am totally ok with just going to pick up my diploma in April when it's ready from the printers. I can do without having to sit outside in the cold for 4 hours listening to over 1200 names being called. I would much rather stay home and clean my office since I can't see the floor at this point.
But nooooooo....folks, including my BF and parents (actually, just my mom) are telling me that I MUST attend. Everyone is telling me that this is for my family. Um, they didn't help me pass my exams, write my papers, give my presentations, read the 5 novels in 1 summer course. So why MUST I attend graduation?
I still have time to make up my mind. I have my cap/gown and tassel. I have my camera ready. I have only invited my BF, brother and parents. I just need to load the next installment of Dr. Who onto my iPod and charge it so I wont fall asleep during the ceremony.
So the question remains - walk or no? To appease my folks - I guess I will walk.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Copy Cat

I love reading fashion blogs to see what others are wearing and to get ideas on color combos since I tend to be a bit predictable with my own. Last week, I discovered Ms. Tina and I have the same dress so she tasked me to send a photo of how I wore mine.
I hope I did just as well as she! If you haven't read her blog before, check it out. Tina is very witty and has great taste in shoes, clothes and baubles.
PS - Please excuse the messy office.
Details: Dress - Merona, Target (thrifted - GW); Cardi - Jessica Howard (thrifted - probably GW); Necklace - Target, Grey tank - Target; Shoes - Ann Taylor (thrifted - GW).
Friday, December 11, 2009
Oh Happy Day
And that it is for a few reasons...
1. I got paid on my freelance work - woo hoo!
2. My BF is now working! Woo FREAKIN Hoo. Being off work since March has had a huge strain on things, frustrating to say the least. It's never good to see a man who's used to working not work. But he's back and although tired is feeling a bit frisky...oh yeah - I will be a very happy camper soon ;).
3. It's Friday. Yes, I know that day comes around every 5 days or so...and Fridays at my place of employ is usually a royal pain in the rear since people are always shoving work my way - but I'm not going to let that ruin my high. I'm going to see Henry Cho at the Improv tonight. Man, he's hilarous.
I was reading Kimmi's blog and she made me revisit my goals:
I still haven't resolved my shopping addiction. I said I wasn't planning to shop for myself through the end of the year. I broke that ban and purchased:
1. a Shaft-styled brown leather jacket: $16
2. a brown suede car coat: $10
3. multi-colored double-strand necklace: $36
4. granny-styled knee length boots: $20
5. 4 pairs of pumps: $36 total
I don't know where this desire to spend money comes from. I'm truly cheap (protested on spending $5 on 3 pairs of trouser socks), but I need to learn to really be cheap and hold on to my money.
I did resolve my attachment issue (I think) and sold my volvo. Of course, I sold it to my uncle so I can still see it...but alas, it's sold. Now to move on to selling my blue velvet sofa and actually purchase a new one. Baby steps!
I have started (and restarted) the Hundred Push-Challenge. I am on Wk 1, Day 2, Level 3. The last set is what kicks my butt and my armpits hurt...but I'm liking the results - yes, I'm seeing them already because I started incorporating weight training with my cardio workouts too. I still need to start tracking my food intake. This will really be the big impact on my weight loss.
I haven't started studying for the GRE. I WILL start this after the holidays. No, it's not a New Year's resolution - it's just the right time to start.
So are you having a happy day?
1. I got paid on my freelance work - woo hoo!
2. My BF is now working! Woo FREAKIN Hoo. Being off work since March has had a huge strain on things, frustrating to say the least. It's never good to see a man who's used to working not work. But he's back and although tired is feeling a bit frisky...oh yeah - I will be a very happy camper soon ;).
3. It's Friday. Yes, I know that day comes around every 5 days or so...and Fridays at my place of employ is usually a royal pain in the rear since people are always shoving work my way - but I'm not going to let that ruin my high. I'm going to see Henry Cho at the Improv tonight. Man, he's hilarous.
I was reading Kimmi's blog and she made me revisit my goals:
I still haven't resolved my shopping addiction. I said I wasn't planning to shop for myself through the end of the year. I broke that ban and purchased:
1. a Shaft-styled brown leather jacket: $16
2. a brown suede car coat: $10
3. multi-colored double-strand necklace: $36
4. granny-styled knee length boots: $20
5. 4 pairs of pumps: $36 total
I don't know where this desire to spend money comes from. I'm truly cheap (protested on spending $5 on 3 pairs of trouser socks), but I need to learn to really be cheap and hold on to my money.
I did resolve my attachment issue (I think) and sold my volvo. Of course, I sold it to my uncle so I can still see it...but alas, it's sold. Now to move on to selling my blue velvet sofa and actually purchase a new one. Baby steps!
I have started (and restarted) the Hundred Push-Challenge. I am on Wk 1, Day 2, Level 3. The last set is what kicks my butt and my armpits hurt...but I'm liking the results - yes, I'm seeing them already because I started incorporating weight training with my cardio workouts too. I still need to start tracking my food intake. This will really be the big impact on my weight loss.
I haven't started studying for the GRE. I WILL start this after the holidays. No, it's not a New Year's resolution - it's just the right time to start.
So are you having a happy day?
Monday, November 23, 2009
It's beginning to look a lot like __________
Can you believe it? It's almost time for Dude to come down the chimney and leaves loads of presents under the tree. I swear yesterday was 95 degrees and July. Man! Where has the time gone?
Reflecting back on this year I can say I finally graduated from college - that 20-year degree plan is OVA! But what else have I done? Bought stuff - does that count? Not really.
Some of us take this time at Thanksgiving to reflect on things we are grateful for. That I can do daily - I'm thankful I can even say that.
So looking ahead, what will I do in 2010? Buy more stuff? I'm sure. But there's bound to be some meaning to life (not 49 like Marvin discovered). There has to be more to do with my time other than stepping/fetching at work.
So instead of reflecting on what I'm thankful for, I think I will spend this time setting goals (fitness and financial) and understand just how to achieve them. I admire folks who have an innate drive that helps them achieve success in the goals they set. Then there are those of us who don't have anyone to keep them accountable, so we attempt, learn it's hard, and quit (or shelf it for another time when we feel the urge). I am going to learn how to finish what I set out to do and hopefully develop some willpower in the meantime.
Here are a few of my short term goals for the next few months:
1. Take on the 100 push-up / 200 squats challenge (that's Merry for the inspiration)
2. No shopping for myself until I can save $300 - yeah, it's not a lot of money - but for me - it's the start of an emergency fund. Thanks Janie for her 100 day challenge.
3. Study for the GRE and take it. It's time to become an adult (sooner or later) and I guess going to grad school will make in to one (doubt it but I can put my extra time to better use than watching NCIS all weekend).
4. Volunteer at the HSCPA. Man, their application is long. These essays are going to really tax my brain. But since I can't commit to actually adopting a dog, volunteering is the next best thing in my mind.
So this is the short list. Let's see how I do.
Reflecting back on this year I can say I finally graduated from college - that 20-year degree plan is OVA! But what else have I done? Bought stuff - does that count? Not really.
Some of us take this time at Thanksgiving to reflect on things we are grateful for. That I can do daily - I'm thankful I can even say that.
So looking ahead, what will I do in 2010? Buy more stuff? I'm sure. But there's bound to be some meaning to life (not 49 like Marvin discovered). There has to be more to do with my time other than stepping/fetching at work.
So instead of reflecting on what I'm thankful for, I think I will spend this time setting goals (fitness and financial) and understand just how to achieve them. I admire folks who have an innate drive that helps them achieve success in the goals they set. Then there are those of us who don't have anyone to keep them accountable, so we attempt, learn it's hard, and quit (or shelf it for another time when we feel the urge). I am going to learn how to finish what I set out to do and hopefully develop some willpower in the meantime.
Here are a few of my short term goals for the next few months:
1. Take on the 100 push-up / 200 squats challenge (that's Merry for the inspiration)
2. No shopping for myself until I can save $300 - yeah, it's not a lot of money - but for me - it's the start of an emergency fund. Thanks Janie for her 100 day challenge.
3. Study for the GRE and take it. It's time to become an adult (sooner or later) and I guess going to grad school will make in to one (doubt it but I can put my extra time to better use than watching NCIS all weekend).
4. Volunteer at the HSCPA. Man, their application is long. These essays are going to really tax my brain. But since I can't commit to actually adopting a dog, volunteering is the next best thing in my mind.
So this is the short list. Let's see how I do.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Computer Illiterate
I really suck at this blogging thing. No, really, I do. Until my computer can begin to interpret my inner convos and translate them into witty blog posts - I will continue to suck. Thank goodness for Facebook cuz in the world of Facebook, I can make snarky comments and post randomness til my heart's content.
Actually, I have to give thanks for the many wonderful pages that I voyeuristically browse daily for advice on fitness, finance, fashion and decorating among other things.
So back to my many happy readings!
Actually, I have to give thanks for the many wonderful pages that I voyeuristically browse daily for advice on fitness, finance, fashion and decorating among other things.
So back to my many happy readings!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Man Date...
Well actually, a woman date. My mom, gosh how I love her, is trying to set me up with one of her co-workers. I just adore the phone calls - she's really nice, enjoys fun activities and I told her how you like to find FREE events to attend. Um, yeah mom - most of my free events are nerdy, don't involved straight boys and are held outside. She continues - she has a son and lives in Spring.
Screeching halt - no kiddies and no folks who live on the opposite end of the world - that's like a day drive and I have to pack snacks. No thanks. I know I should expand, but when planning spur of the moment events - kids and distance becomes a major snag.
But I gotta love her for trying. She's over me whining about not having that many female friends, so she's always looking to hook me up.
So she's passed along my number. We'll see what happens.
Screeching halt - no kiddies and no folks who live on the opposite end of the world - that's like a day drive and I have to pack snacks. No thanks. I know I should expand, but when planning spur of the moment events - kids and distance becomes a major snag.
But I gotta love her for trying. She's over me whining about not having that many female friends, so she's always looking to hook me up.
So she's passed along my number. We'll see what happens.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Black Girls Rock...
Or at least they need to learn that they do because after yesterday, I'm just not too sure any longer.
Would someone tell me what the heck has happened to so-called Rap music these days. Yes, I listen to my share of Jay-Z, Kayne, Common, Nas, and even some Luda but after hearing some current songs on the satellite this weekend, I think I'm switching back to straight jazz with just a hint of real-school rap and new wave.
Knowing that a majority of kids are growing up in single-parent homes and not being a product of that environment, I can not understand how any woman can let her daughter listen to the music on radio station today. It's bad enough we have body image issues do to the video vixens and super models, but now these girls are trying to live up to some of the song lyrics - it's just mind-blowing.
But what really nailed the coffin for me, listening to a middle school girl walking home with her buddies loud-talkin. So loud I could hear her over the bass from my bombing system. Holding court like a grown-ass woman...she said things that would make a sailor blush. Such rude/crude language coming out of her mouth.
Yes, you can say she learned it from TV - more than likely MTV, BET, and VH-1 when these girls are aspiring to be on the next Rock of Love, Charm School, or Flava of Love (why the heck would anyone stoop that low, I can't fathom). It took ever fiber of my being from walking back outside, following her home and kicking her momma in her butt for allowing this nature.
While roaming a bookstore yesterday, I ran across a title (I can't quite remember the correct one) that was something along the lines of A Tainted Southern Girl's Guide for Not Dressing Your Daughter Like a Slut (or maybe that was the chapter I flipped to). But it led me to think - why the heck don't people dress their tweens (gosh, I hate that term) like the little girls that they should be not the strippers they will soon become? Why? Oh yeah, because finding t-shirts that come to below the navel and jeans that come up above the butt-crack is so hard to find. Let alone sneakers that dont like up like stripper shoes - wth?
Yes, I cuss and speak loudly. Yes, I've worn clothing that accentuates assets. Yes, I turn up Biggie Smalls and Tupac and even some Kiss, Def Leppard and Poison super loud so my system is booming just to annoy my neighbors - but I'm adult and know when it is and isn't appropriate to act as if I was raised with no manners at all. But that's me and, frankly, I know better.
What do we do about these young black girls growing up who have no clue that their current behavior is abhorrent? Thank goodness for groups like Black Girls Rock and people like Michaela Angela Davis who will help young women change their self-perceptions and grow up to be ladies.
Would someone tell me what the heck has happened to so-called Rap music these days. Yes, I listen to my share of Jay-Z, Kayne, Common, Nas, and even some Luda but after hearing some current songs on the satellite this weekend, I think I'm switching back to straight jazz with just a hint of real-school rap and new wave.
Knowing that a majority of kids are growing up in single-parent homes and not being a product of that environment, I can not understand how any woman can let her daughter listen to the music on radio station today. It's bad enough we have body image issues do to the video vixens and super models, but now these girls are trying to live up to some of the song lyrics - it's just mind-blowing.
But what really nailed the coffin for me, listening to a middle school girl walking home with her buddies loud-talkin. So loud I could hear her over the bass from my bombing system. Holding court like a grown-ass woman...she said things that would make a sailor blush. Such rude/crude language coming out of her mouth.
Yes, you can say she learned it from TV - more than likely MTV, BET, and VH-1 when these girls are aspiring to be on the next Rock of Love, Charm School, or Flava of Love (why the heck would anyone stoop that low, I can't fathom). It took ever fiber of my being from walking back outside, following her home and kicking her momma in her butt for allowing this nature.
While roaming a bookstore yesterday, I ran across a title (I can't quite remember the correct one) that was something along the lines of A Tainted Southern Girl's Guide for Not Dressing Your Daughter Like a Slut (or maybe that was the chapter I flipped to). But it led me to think - why the heck don't people dress their tweens (gosh, I hate that term) like the little girls that they should be not the strippers they will soon become? Why? Oh yeah, because finding t-shirts that come to below the navel and jeans that come up above the butt-crack is so hard to find. Let alone sneakers that dont like up like stripper shoes - wth?
Yes, I cuss and speak loudly. Yes, I've worn clothing that accentuates assets. Yes, I turn up Biggie Smalls and Tupac and even some Kiss, Def Leppard and Poison super loud so my system is booming just to annoy my neighbors - but I'm adult and know when it is and isn't appropriate to act as if I was raised with no manners at all. But that's me and, frankly, I know better.
What do we do about these young black girls growing up who have no clue that their current behavior is abhorrent? Thank goodness for groups like Black Girls Rock and people like Michaela Angela Davis who will help young women change their self-perceptions and grow up to be ladies.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Jack of all trades
I am being tasked with writing my own job description and having a difficult time not writing Jack of All Trades being poorly paid (well, maybe not poorly paid). My father's advice is to write it so no one else seems qualified to do my duties, but honestly, a chimp can do this job. Ok, ok - I know I'm putting down my job and I shouldn't - especially in this economy and when jobs are so difficult to come by. But there are times when I feel that anyone can sit at my desk and perform my duties - how difficult is it to answer the telephone (the one duty I despise)? I do pride myself on organization (although the current state of desk does not attest to my organizing skills) and the fact that I can multi-task and put out fires.
Prime Fire Extinguishing example: boss arrives at airport today, experiences major computer malfunctions and glitches, gets semi-checked in only to be told he has to pay for his ticket - WTH? I booked this trip over a month ago in order to get the steeply discounted fare. Through his numerous calls, I am on the line with the travel agent, get ticket number, call him back, explain to counter agent and alas - all is well. I have had previous bosses act like 3-year old babies over travel agent ticketing glitches, so I am glad my current office hubby was calm and collected and let me handle the pending disaster - like a shipper's bs slogan - when it absolutely has to be there overnight (what a joke) - he will get there on time!
I have decided the best course of action is to start by listing my various projects together and making a semi-detailed list of what's needed to complete these duties. I did not think this would be difficult, but to think of what is needed to complete a few tasks on my list is taxing. Thank goodness for checklists.
Do you take the time to reflect on your previous, current and possibly future job duties or just go with the flow with what seems to be second-nature daily tasks? How would you develop your job description if required to do so?
Prime Fire Extinguishing example: boss arrives at airport today, experiences major computer malfunctions and glitches, gets semi-checked in only to be told he has to pay for his ticket - WTH? I booked this trip over a month ago in order to get the steeply discounted fare. Through his numerous calls, I am on the line with the travel agent, get ticket number, call him back, explain to counter agent and alas - all is well. I have had previous bosses act like 3-year old babies over travel agent ticketing glitches, so I am glad my current office hubby was calm and collected and let me handle the pending disaster - like a shipper's bs slogan - when it absolutely has to be there overnight (what a joke) - he will get there on time!
I have decided the best course of action is to start by listing my various projects together and making a semi-detailed list of what's needed to complete these duties. I did not think this would be difficult, but to think of what is needed to complete a few tasks on my list is taxing. Thank goodness for checklists.
Do you take the time to reflect on your previous, current and possibly future job duties or just go with the flow with what seems to be second-nature daily tasks? How would you develop your job description if required to do so?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A few things starting to make my rear-end itch
I'm trying to not be grouchy. That's never a good way to start off a blog - but hey, that's the way I am some days.
There are a few things that have my brain cells doing back flips and starting to make my blood pressure rise.
1. Roman Polanski vs Michael Jackson. I'm going to call it what it really is - pure black vs. white issue. A conflicted rapist vs a suspected molester. One goes on to have a very successful production career without much brouhaha until recently. One, even in death, has a tarnished reputation in the public eye. Some don't even think Polanski should be extradited back to the US to serve his sentence versus those who thought Jackson should have been placed under the jail.
2. Keeping in the vein of the King of Pop - the released tapes of his conversations with Rabbi Shmuley. I still don't know what to think. It's heartbreaking to think this man went through life not understanding that his family loved him dearly. It's incomprehensible to think he struggled daily trying to earn his father's love. It's just downright sad that he could not understand that people loved him for himself, not for what he gave to the world. But I am planning to see the movie coming out soon - This Is It.
3. Why people cut their grass and leave their grass clippings on the sidewalk/in the street is such a strange concept to me. I grew up in a household where you couldn't walk on the front lawn and now to live where people don't really give much credence to their lawns. You can have the shabbiest house on the block, but as long as your lawn is neat, it will look like the prized hen. How do I know, cuz I live in a shabby home but have the best lawn on the block.
It's not all gloom and doom.
4. I am so looking forward to the State Fair in Dallas this weekend. Although my family moved to Houston in 1992, I've never been to the State Fair. Heck, I just made it to the State Capitol this year! So The Fella and I are road-tripping to Dallas on Saturday to eat ourselves sick, visit the animals, ride the rides, see the shows and oh and ah to our hearts content.
5. The weather is FINALLY cooling down. Time for some wool, tweed, boots, tights, and lots of jewel tones! Love this weather.
6. I watched all of America's Best Dance Crew this past Sunday. I know it's a total time suck, but I can't help but watch these young adults bust a move (secretly wanting to bust those same moves). This season was a good season to watch, not only were the dance styles varied - Voguging is still a popular style, but we were graced with transgender Leyome and her wannabe, overly dramatic self-promoting antics. I thoroughly enjoyed when Lil Mama told her that in order to fully become a woman, you have to act like a lady! And best of fav dance group - the all female - We Are Heros won! Sweet!!!!
There are a few things that have my brain cells doing back flips and starting to make my blood pressure rise.
1. Roman Polanski vs Michael Jackson. I'm going to call it what it really is - pure black vs. white issue. A conflicted rapist vs a suspected molester. One goes on to have a very successful production career without much brouhaha until recently. One, even in death, has a tarnished reputation in the public eye. Some don't even think Polanski should be extradited back to the US to serve his sentence versus those who thought Jackson should have been placed under the jail.
2. Keeping in the vein of the King of Pop - the released tapes of his conversations with Rabbi Shmuley. I still don't know what to think. It's heartbreaking to think this man went through life not understanding that his family loved him dearly. It's incomprehensible to think he struggled daily trying to earn his father's love. It's just downright sad that he could not understand that people loved him for himself, not for what he gave to the world. But I am planning to see the movie coming out soon - This Is It.
3. Why people cut their grass and leave their grass clippings on the sidewalk/in the street is such a strange concept to me. I grew up in a household where you couldn't walk on the front lawn and now to live where people don't really give much credence to their lawns. You can have the shabbiest house on the block, but as long as your lawn is neat, it will look like the prized hen. How do I know, cuz I live in a shabby home but have the best lawn on the block.
It's not all gloom and doom.
4. I am so looking forward to the State Fair in Dallas this weekend. Although my family moved to Houston in 1992, I've never been to the State Fair. Heck, I just made it to the State Capitol this year! So The Fella and I are road-tripping to Dallas on Saturday to eat ourselves sick, visit the animals, ride the rides, see the shows and oh and ah to our hearts content.
5. The weather is FINALLY cooling down. Time for some wool, tweed, boots, tights, and lots of jewel tones! Love this weather.
6. I watched all of America's Best Dance Crew this past Sunday. I know it's a total time suck, but I can't help but watch these young adults bust a move (secretly wanting to bust those same moves). This season was a good season to watch, not only were the dance styles varied - Voguging is still a popular style, but we were graced with transgender Leyome and her wannabe, overly dramatic self-promoting antics. I thoroughly enjoyed when Lil Mama told her that in order to fully become a woman, you have to act like a lady! And best of fav dance group - the all female - We Are Heros won! Sweet!!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Fall, Finally
I can't believe today is the first day of Fall. I can't believe I am back to work after spending a glorious week of doing NOTHING but lazing around in a pool chair and tromping through Mayan ruins. I didn't say I was focusing on work, just back to work. Oh how I love vacations.
Vacations allows one time to drink lots and lots of alcohol unless one's mother is on vacation with one as well. It also allows time to mull over life goals. Yes, I know I was supposed to be on vacation not trying to determine what I want to be when I grow up. Well, let's just say I had too much sun last week and have decided to consider at another route for my graduate degree. I keep thinking about applying for an MPH program and work on health policy, especially with all the hubbub going on about universal healthcare, affordable healthcare, etc. But then I started thinking that dietitian may be another route for me.
I know what your thinking...I still eat hamburgers, hot dogs, drink beer and alcohol - but hey, I'm human. Now, I may not be the skinniest person on the planet, but I do understand all things in moderation. I think working towards a degree in nutrition or becoming a registered dietitian will only serve to help my personal goals, make me an even healthier person and make me an example for my family.
Then again, if I have to return to an undergraduate program for additional courses for the RD program - that idea will be blown out of the water and it's back to the original plan for the MPH.
Vacations allows one time to drink lots and lots of alcohol unless one's mother is on vacation with one as well. It also allows time to mull over life goals. Yes, I know I was supposed to be on vacation not trying to determine what I want to be when I grow up. Well, let's just say I had too much sun last week and have decided to consider at another route for my graduate degree. I keep thinking about applying for an MPH program and work on health policy, especially with all the hubbub going on about universal healthcare, affordable healthcare, etc. But then I started thinking that dietitian may be another route for me.
I know what your thinking...I still eat hamburgers, hot dogs, drink beer and alcohol - but hey, I'm human. Now, I may not be the skinniest person on the planet, but I do understand all things in moderation. I think working towards a degree in nutrition or becoming a registered dietitian will only serve to help my personal goals, make me an even healthier person and make me an example for my family.
Then again, if I have to return to an undergraduate program for additional courses for the RD program - that idea will be blown out of the water and it's back to the original plan for the MPH.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Split Personas
Do you find that you wear masks or costumes (figuratively speaking) during your daily tasks, e.g. Work? Are you afraid of what people might say if they heard what you listen to on your iPod? Do you fear backlash for expressing your inner thoughts on your blogs?
In the past, I've been accused of sounding white, acting white, etc. It never bothered me (and still doesn't) because I can't change who I am or how I speak. I grew up in Southern California and in the Pacific Northwest. As a semi-adult, I was relocated to the south, Texas that is. Although my favorite mug's motto is: "You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas" I am still not a Native Texan - and that's cool, I can fake it to a point and will still go to the Rodeo and the Texas State Fair.
During my African American Psych course, we were supposed to read a book, Shifting, which details the faucets of various women's lives and how they shift their personas, mannerisms, speech, etc to get through their daily lives, work, dealing with family, church, civic clubs, etc. Some of us take it to an extreme and some of us don't even realize that we do it. For some, it can be determental because they cannot recognize their true selves.
I know I shift. I hold myself differently while at work. I use more appropriate language, answer the telephone in a manner that you cannot distinguish my race. I write differently. Am I hiding from who I really am? Honestly? No!
But back to the point of this ramble... I've recently made new playlists on my iPod to boost my workouts and they do include some hardcore rap (at least I call it hardcore, explict lyrics and all). So on my walk into work this morning with iPod on play (still listening to yesterday's workout playlist), I ran into a woman who has a higher position than I, but she is not in my department. The slight shift from Gangsta Chick to Work Chick went into full, seamless effect.
A word to those of us who shift...don't lose yourself trying to prove yourself.
In the past, I've been accused of sounding white, acting white, etc. It never bothered me (and still doesn't) because I can't change who I am or how I speak. I grew up in Southern California and in the Pacific Northwest. As a semi-adult, I was relocated to the south, Texas that is. Although my favorite mug's motto is: "You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas" I am still not a Native Texan - and that's cool, I can fake it to a point and will still go to the Rodeo and the Texas State Fair.
During my African American Psych course, we were supposed to read a book, Shifting, which details the faucets of various women's lives and how they shift their personas, mannerisms, speech, etc to get through their daily lives, work, dealing with family, church, civic clubs, etc. Some of us take it to an extreme and some of us don't even realize that we do it. For some, it can be determental because they cannot recognize their true selves.
I know I shift. I hold myself differently while at work. I use more appropriate language, answer the telephone in a manner that you cannot distinguish my race. I write differently. Am I hiding from who I really am? Honestly? No!
But back to the point of this ramble... I've recently made new playlists on my iPod to boost my workouts and they do include some hardcore rap (at least I call it hardcore, explict lyrics and all). So on my walk into work this morning with iPod on play (still listening to yesterday's workout playlist), I ran into a woman who has a higher position than I, but she is not in my department. The slight shift from Gangsta Chick to Work Chick went into full, seamless effect.
A word to those of us who shift...don't lose yourself trying to prove yourself.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Delimmas in Cyberspace
Dilemmas....well, one of sorts. I am not one to have many girlfriends and at the moment, I am probably cultivating, at the most, 3 real female friendships. So, I've been watching the ghetto hot mess that is Real Housewives of ATL. One of the ladies (I use that term loosely), Nene, is attempting to reconnect with her ex-BFF, Kim. Though her attempts aren't what I would consider, the best approach, her attempts to reconnect nonetheless did start my mental wheels turning.
Should I, shouldn't I...why don't I speak to this person any I really miss this person in my life, etc.
Then, I logged into Myspace. Since I can't access this time suck at work, I rarely check this website. For some reason, I did only to find a friend request from an ex-BFF from childhood. I have yet to click ACCEPT or DECLINE.
Will she have let the past stay in the past? Have I left the past back there as well? Have we matured enough to be online friends? Will we ever reconnect to be real-life friends again? Do I even want to?
To make matters worse, I check facebook like a crackhead getting a perpetual fix (since I can access that site via work). I have a friend request from an ex-a guy I dated briefly. I've had a few of these types of requests and 1 have accepted while the other I ignored for various reasons. So now I am faced with do I accept this friend request? Do I really care what he thinks? I have no desire to date him and deep down I want to accept his request so he can see all the great photos of me and The Fella as a way to teach him how to respect women and actually have a real relationship (as if I'm the relationship expert - ha!). But the other part of me has no desire to even see his face on my friend list, let alone on my friend request list.
Why, as adults, do we have the same issues we had in elementary through high school? Why can't we learn to be friends and keep friends? I understand we outgrow so of our childhood chums, but why is there such a dilemma of who to accept into your myspace/facebook/twitter lands? Why do we have such a hard time letting people know our true feelings?
Oh well. For now, I will just leave those requests lingering in cyberspace.
Should I, shouldn't I...why don't I speak to this person any I really miss this person in my life, etc.
Then, I logged into Myspace. Since I can't access this time suck at work, I rarely check this website. For some reason, I did only to find a friend request from an ex-BFF from childhood. I have yet to click ACCEPT or DECLINE.
Will she have let the past stay in the past? Have I left the past back there as well? Have we matured enough to be online friends? Will we ever reconnect to be real-life friends again? Do I even want to?
To make matters worse, I check facebook like a crackhead getting a perpetual fix (since I can access that site via work). I have a friend request from an ex-a guy I dated briefly. I've had a few of these types of requests and 1 have accepted while the other I ignored for various reasons. So now I am faced with do I accept this friend request? Do I really care what he thinks? I have no desire to date him and deep down I want to accept his request so he can see all the great photos of me and The Fella as a way to teach him how to respect women and actually have a real relationship (as if I'm the relationship expert - ha!). But the other part of me has no desire to even see his face on my friend list, let alone on my friend request list.
Why, as adults, do we have the same issues we had in elementary through high school? Why can't we learn to be friends and keep friends? I understand we outgrow so of our childhood chums, but why is there such a dilemma of who to accept into your myspace/facebook/twitter lands? Why do we have such a hard time letting people know our true feelings?
Oh well. For now, I will just leave those requests lingering in cyberspace.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
1. While flipping past America's Got Talent last night, two brothers exhibited immense strength with one balanced on top of the other's neck while the bottom brother balanced on his arm. This is a true testament to strength and skill - I don't think this is talent.
2. My daily drive past a certain church's billboard...sign read "In order to spread happiness, you must divide it". Lead me to think about the quote divide and conquer. Can we conquer this world of hate by dividing happiness?
3. Bumper sticker on the car in front of me read "save beef, run over a chicken" - not a chick-fil-a ad, but a beef herder from Zavalia Farms. Reminded me of all the road kill I saw driving to Beaumont this past weekend. Wonder if the Road Kill Cafe in Northern California is still operating?
Final thought for this morning...I really need to finish cleaning the produce out of my fridge.
2. My daily drive past a certain church's billboard...sign read "In order to spread happiness, you must divide it". Lead me to think about the quote divide and conquer. Can we conquer this world of hate by dividing happiness?
3. Bumper sticker on the car in front of me read "save beef, run over a chicken" - not a chick-fil-a ad, but a beef herder from Zavalia Farms. Reminded me of all the road kill I saw driving to Beaumont this past weekend. Wonder if the Road Kill Cafe in Northern California is still operating?
Final thought for this morning...I really need to finish cleaning the produce out of my fridge.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Discpline and Will Power...
Two traits I don't think I possess and I came to this realization yesterday while The Fella and I were sitting at BW3 doing my mystery shop. The infomerical for P90X was on. We both said the infomerical highlights people who are either ex-military or ex-athelets, so they, at one point in time did possess some discipline. And I am a firm believer that P90X as well as ChaLeanXtreme will work, if you have the discipline to put the DVD in every day and follow the meal plan. I have exercised great will power in not buying either DVD set (P90X because I know I can't do it and ChaLeanXtreme because I can't afford it - yet!).
I know ya'll say that's negative thinking and on some level you are right. But since my back surgery in 2006, I am not comfortable with jarring moves so I tend to avoid a lot of jumping. So polymetertics is out of the picture.
Ok, so this may not be the workout for me and I am ok with that. But back to the issue of discipline and will power. I have joined a few sites to track my workouts and caloric intake (from and to I half-ass track my caloric intake/burn. I did well when I had to (during my weight loss study), but now that I dont have to turn in weekly reports, I just don't do it. And I know if I did, I would lose these nagging few pounds.
So was it about people who can religiously log on to these sites and post every morsel digested, every step taken, and all I can do is upate my facebook page? Heck, I even tried blogging my food intake and exercise and still can't do that regularly.
So how do I turn what I know will help me into a daily activity once again? Where do people find the restraint to resist the chocolate muffins for breakfast? How do people stay motivated to eat right and workout?
Yet, another saga in the Rambling Girl's life.
I know ya'll say that's negative thinking and on some level you are right. But since my back surgery in 2006, I am not comfortable with jarring moves so I tend to avoid a lot of jumping. So polymetertics is out of the picture.
Ok, so this may not be the workout for me and I am ok with that. But back to the issue of discipline and will power. I have joined a few sites to track my workouts and caloric intake (from and to I half-ass track my caloric intake/burn. I did well when I had to (during my weight loss study), but now that I dont have to turn in weekly reports, I just don't do it. And I know if I did, I would lose these nagging few pounds.
So was it about people who can religiously log on to these sites and post every morsel digested, every step taken, and all I can do is upate my facebook page? Heck, I even tried blogging my food intake and exercise and still can't do that regularly.
So how do I turn what I know will help me into a daily activity once again? Where do people find the restraint to resist the chocolate muffins for breakfast? How do people stay motivated to eat right and workout?
Yet, another saga in the Rambling Girl's life.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Why I love my car(s)
A short and sweet update on the Coupe saga...I am learning to love my car more and more for a few reasons:
1. Driving 172 miles ranging from 85 to 100 mph (topping off at 95 mph) with the sunroof and the passenger side window open, burning only a 1/4 tank of gas, making slow traffic move right and not feeling the road in my feet or seat = exhilarating.
2. Even with a trunk the size of a shoebox, I was able to stuff 6 letter size boxes plus the overnight bag.
3. It feels like a two-seater
4. The stereo system bumps!
Why I love the Volvo:
1. distinct (and yes, extinct) style - square box style - but what sets mine apart from most others on the road - I have the dual headlights, whereas the newer 240s had a single headlamp.
2. its a smooth ride. Although the overdrive is out, at 70 mph it glides down the highway.
3. its heavy and can take a corner without having to slow down to 35
4. trunk large enough to stow two bodies
5. it fits in my one-car garage!
So, I think the ultimate balance will be to drive each car for a full week. This week is the fighter jet's turn. Next week - Beans and I will hit the road.
I guess I better post some pics, eh?
1. Driving 172 miles ranging from 85 to 100 mph (topping off at 95 mph) with the sunroof and the passenger side window open, burning only a 1/4 tank of gas, making slow traffic move right and not feeling the road in my feet or seat = exhilarating.
2. Even with a trunk the size of a shoebox, I was able to stuff 6 letter size boxes plus the overnight bag.
3. It feels like a two-seater
4. The stereo system bumps!
Why I love the Volvo:
1. distinct (and yes, extinct) style - square box style - but what sets mine apart from most others on the road - I have the dual headlights, whereas the newer 240s had a single headlamp.
2. its a smooth ride. Although the overdrive is out, at 70 mph it glides down the highway.
3. its heavy and can take a corner without having to slow down to 35
4. trunk large enough to stow two bodies
5. it fits in my one-car garage!
So, I think the ultimate balance will be to drive each car for a full week. This week is the fighter jet's turn. Next week - Beans and I will hit the road.
I guess I better post some pics, eh?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Just some crazy random-ness floating around my skull
Why is it one side of my panties keep riding up?
Why can't my hair look as good in real life as I imagine it in my head?
I need to clean up the explosion in my home office.
Must send out party invitations this week.
Should I get a convo setting or dinning setting for the new patio set?
And on a sad note, I tearfully bid adieu to Filene's Basement, Crabtree & Evelyn, and Eddie Bauer *sniff*
Why can't my hair look as good in real life as I imagine it in my head?
I need to clean up the explosion in my home office.
Must send out party invitations this week.
Should I get a convo setting or dinning setting for the new patio set?
And on a sad note, I tearfully bid adieu to Filene's Basement, Crabtree & Evelyn, and Eddie Bauer *sniff*
Friday, July 10, 2009
Buyer's Remorse?

Yes, I agonized and antagonized those around me about purchasing my first BRAND NEW CAR. Should I buy it? Should I keep my car? It's more than I want to spend, can I afford it? What color should I get? Should I lease or finance?
This purchase was more difficult than buying a house with my mom and it's not something I want to do every again. An automobile is not like a pair of shoes; I can't return it if I decide I don't like the color, the fit, etc.
So The Fella and I were out for lunch earlier this week and I told him I think I made a mistake in buying my little fighter jet. I got a cross look from him (especially since he had to listen to me moan and groan over the wrong thing for about 3 weeks). Why, honey? He asked in a sweet voice.
And on my way in to work this morning, I realized why I kept thinking that. Everyone has one. It's like seeing some chick with your exact same dress on (regardless if she's wearing it in another color). This car looks just like everyone else's. It's not like the Volvo that stands out like a sore thumb with it's distinct color, rims, trim, etc.
So I am back to moaning about my purchase and I have to figure out a way to personalize it so it doesn't look like the cookie-cutter automobile it is. The one item (although small and no one notices but me) is that mine has foglights and most on the road do not.
Anyhoo - I will find joy in my new ride as soon as I get comfortable driving it and get my seat adjusted properly (too high, too low, too straight up/down, too close to the steering wheel)....
The saga continues.
Photo from
Monday, July 6, 2009
Quickie Update
Well, I've been MIA from writing and lurking on my usual blog sites because I've been on vacation. Finally, an entire week to do what I want, when I want. Yeah, right! But I did take some time off from work.
Here's how I spent my time: Spent some time at the hospital with the Fella when he fell over a chair at the movie theater. Spent some time with a great girlfriend who came down for a visit. Spent time at the dealership buying my FIRST NEW CAR!!!! Spent time painting the bedroom - love the new color. Spent time cleaning the garage and my backyard. Spent time hanging with my family - Mom's all set for our cruise in Sept with the purchase of her 2 new bathing suits!
The things I didn't get to do: clean my office, visit the local museums, head to Galveston. But that's okay since that's what the weekends are for.
Here's how I spent my time: Spent some time at the hospital with the Fella when he fell over a chair at the movie theater. Spent some time with a great girlfriend who came down for a visit. Spent time at the dealership buying my FIRST NEW CAR!!!! Spent time painting the bedroom - love the new color. Spent time cleaning the garage and my backyard. Spent time hanging with my family - Mom's all set for our cruise in Sept with the purchase of her 2 new bathing suits!
The things I didn't get to do: clean my office, visit the local museums, head to Galveston. But that's okay since that's what the weekends are for.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
No, not the kind that connect to your vacuum cleaner. I'm talking emotional attachments we form to inanimate objects.
For some odd reason, I become attached to my automobiles. I know it all stemmed from driving my grandfather's 1976 Chevy Malibu (blue vinyl bench seats and 8-track). From that car, I moved on to a 94 Nissan Sentra. That car was my baby with only 230,000 miles on the engine and still running strong until some idiot backed into it, busted the headlight and signal light to the point of $1200 repair bill. I cried when I had to let her go. I wasn't even home when they took her away.
Now, I have a strong attachment to my 1982 Volvo aka The Bean Machine. I was recently considering buying a new car and every dealership asked about my trade-in. There's no way I will trade in my car - that's what I told every salesman. But why not get rid of a car that's 26 years old with a leaky sunroof, no overdrive, an AC with a slow leak so it needs to be serviced annually, and only gets approximately 230 miles per tank of gas?
I even thought about the cash for clunkers program which didn't start until this month. I could have, potentially, received $4500 trade-in value.
But I wised up for several reasons...
1. I love The Bean Machine. It's solid metal. Metal will crunch a fiberglass automobile - so it's essentially like driving a tank on the road.
2. Although it does not have overdrive, the car hauls @$ and most people are smart enough to move over when they see me barreling down on them in their rearview mirror.
3. The body is in great shape. Unfortunately, the dashboard just started to crack, but I plan to order a cover (which I should have ordered two years ago) to prevent further cracking. I even replaced some body molding clips and put the chrome trimming back on. I've even picked up additional lug nut covers just in case I lose another (thanks to Uncle Mike for losing two within the span of 2 weeks).
4. It's big enough to haul garden supplies. Although my sentra was so flexible that I could put furniture (except a queen size bed and sofa) in, my volvo does great at the garden supply.
5. It's a car that will run for over 300,000 miles on the same engine with minimal care.
6. Never get rid of anything that's paid for. In this economy you never know what will happen. I could lose my job today and struggle to make my car payment. So I always have something to get around town in.
Yes, I did buy a new car last week. But do you want to know the funny thing? The new one is sitting in my driveway while I drive the Vovlo daily (to/from work/school). I actually missed driving my volvo and now we're back to being friends (he's not acting like a spoiled child and stalling in the middle of the street).
If I ever consider getting rid of The Bean Machine, I will sell it to someone who will love it just as much as I do. I wont take it to a dealership only to have it sent to the scrap yard.
For some odd reason, I become attached to my automobiles. I know it all stemmed from driving my grandfather's 1976 Chevy Malibu (blue vinyl bench seats and 8-track). From that car, I moved on to a 94 Nissan Sentra. That car was my baby with only 230,000 miles on the engine and still running strong until some idiot backed into it, busted the headlight and signal light to the point of $1200 repair bill. I cried when I had to let her go. I wasn't even home when they took her away.
Now, I have a strong attachment to my 1982 Volvo aka The Bean Machine. I was recently considering buying a new car and every dealership asked about my trade-in. There's no way I will trade in my car - that's what I told every salesman. But why not get rid of a car that's 26 years old with a leaky sunroof, no overdrive, an AC with a slow leak so it needs to be serviced annually, and only gets approximately 230 miles per tank of gas?
I even thought about the cash for clunkers program which didn't start until this month. I could have, potentially, received $4500 trade-in value.
But I wised up for several reasons...
1. I love The Bean Machine. It's solid metal. Metal will crunch a fiberglass automobile - so it's essentially like driving a tank on the road.
2. Although it does not have overdrive, the car hauls @$ and most people are smart enough to move over when they see me barreling down on them in their rearview mirror.
3. The body is in great shape. Unfortunately, the dashboard just started to crack, but I plan to order a cover (which I should have ordered two years ago) to prevent further cracking. I even replaced some body molding clips and put the chrome trimming back on. I've even picked up additional lug nut covers just in case I lose another (thanks to Uncle Mike for losing two within the span of 2 weeks).
4. It's big enough to haul garden supplies. Although my sentra was so flexible that I could put furniture (except a queen size bed and sofa) in, my volvo does great at the garden supply.
5. It's a car that will run for over 300,000 miles on the same engine with minimal care.
6. Never get rid of anything that's paid for. In this economy you never know what will happen. I could lose my job today and struggle to make my car payment. So I always have something to get around town in.
Yes, I did buy a new car last week. But do you want to know the funny thing? The new one is sitting in my driveway while I drive the Vovlo daily (to/from work/school). I actually missed driving my volvo and now we're back to being friends (he's not acting like a spoiled child and stalling in the middle of the street).
If I ever consider getting rid of The Bean Machine, I will sell it to someone who will love it just as much as I do. I wont take it to a dealership only to have it sent to the scrap yard.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Why I pay someone to cut my lawn
There are a lot of things I can do for myself and I consider myself a fairly handy chick, although I wouldn't say I'm qualified enough to get my contractor license and apply for a DIY show on HGTV. However, there is one thing I learned this weekend... unless you have a riding lawnmower or self-propelled mower, it's good to pay someone to cut your lawn. My backyard is monstorus in size (or at least is seemed when I was cutting it for the first time EVER on Friday), so large that I had to stop 4 times to empty the bag on the mower. Ok, it's not THAT large and granted the bag on the mower is small - but goodness it was a difficult task. I will be so glad when my uncle returns so he can continue the lawn care.
Ok, I'm done bemoaning the woes of lawn maitenance and on to trying to finding a natural remedy for mosquitoes. Those pesky buggers can completely ruin outdoor enjoyment. So this coming weekend, I will plant marigolds and geraniums as well as lemon basal. If nothing else the marigolds will keep the aphids from my roses and the lemon basal will be great on fish and chicken. Hopefully, they will also help keep the pest population at bay.

And finally, on today's fashion calendar inspiration - it's my absolute fav - Mrs. Obama day (black with pearls). I still haven't figured out the right distance to capture the shoes in the photo and I couldn't totally crop out the step and ironing board (man, that maid needs to be fired)...but it's fun just the same!
Black Dress - Old Navy (thrifted)
Black Cardi - no tag (thrifted)
Pearl/Floral Necklace - Ross
Pearl Earrings - too old to remember
Shoes (not pictured) - black patent with red ankle strap - Steve Madden (thrifted)
Me thinks I've been thrifting too much! Naw!!!!!!
Ok, I'm done bemoaning the woes of lawn maitenance and on to trying to finding a natural remedy for mosquitoes. Those pesky buggers can completely ruin outdoor enjoyment. So this coming weekend, I will plant marigolds and geraniums as well as lemon basal. If nothing else the marigolds will keep the aphids from my roses and the lemon basal will be great on fish and chicken. Hopefully, they will also help keep the pest population at bay.

And finally, on today's fashion calendar inspiration - it's my absolute fav - Mrs. Obama day (black with pearls). I still haven't figured out the right distance to capture the shoes in the photo and I couldn't totally crop out the step and ironing board (man, that maid needs to be fired)...but it's fun just the same!
Black Dress - Old Navy (thrifted)
Black Cardi - no tag (thrifted)
Pearl/Floral Necklace - Ross
Pearl Earrings - too old to remember
Shoes (not pictured) - black patent with red ankle strap - Steve Madden (thrifted)
Me thinks I've been thrifting too much! Naw!!!!!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
The Joys of Kickboxing
Wow!!! That's the best adjective I can use this morning. I love love love Turbo Kick at the gym, and didn't realize just how much I missed it until last nite. It was our first nite back and it felt goooood, so good that I know DOMS will set in around 10am today, but I'm ok with that. I am also praying for rain so we can skip Zumba tomorrow for another round of Turbo Kick!
Following the gym, we strolled through Wally World to pick up much needed food supplies (gotta love Amy's and Kashi meals because they are great for grab/go or coming in late and forgot to defrost something to cook). In the checkout lane that's a miles long, lady walks up bemoaning that folks moved her basket. I simply said "if you weren't here, that meant you were still shopping". I wasn't the one who moved her basket and I had no plans on letting her back in line. I don't understand the mentality that if you leave your basket in line, that it's a place holder (if shopping solo). If I forget something, I simply go back and get it and get back in line. To that effect, I was called a "meanie" and said to have an attitude. Oh well! We ended up moving lines since our fuses were getting shorter by the minute. Needless to say, we checked out faster in the 20 items or less and while walking out, I raised my hand in gesture to say "good nite all" to the woman who uses her basket as a place holder. I may simply have to order my Amy's and Kashi meals online or traspe down there at odd hours of the early morning to avoid the masses.

Well today is coral/torquoise day and I don't think I put much thought into it (see photo). The hair's a bit better than yesterday, the smile is creepy (deer in headlights look - so not sexy), and I still can't get my shoes in the shot. Maybe I will cut my head off in lieu of shoe shot, because we all know - it's always about the shoe
Following the gym, we strolled through Wally World to pick up much needed food supplies (gotta love Amy's and Kashi meals because they are great for grab/go or coming in late and forgot to defrost something to cook). In the checkout lane that's a miles long, lady walks up bemoaning that folks moved her basket. I simply said "if you weren't here, that meant you were still shopping". I wasn't the one who moved her basket and I had no plans on letting her back in line. I don't understand the mentality that if you leave your basket in line, that it's a place holder (if shopping solo). If I forget something, I simply go back and get it and get back in line. To that effect, I was called a "meanie" and said to have an attitude. Oh well! We ended up moving lines since our fuses were getting shorter by the minute. Needless to say, we checked out faster in the 20 items or less and while walking out, I raised my hand in gesture to say "good nite all" to the woman who uses her basket as a place holder. I may simply have to order my Amy's and Kashi meals online or traspe down there at odd hours of the early morning to avoid the masses.

Well today is coral/torquoise day and I don't think I put much thought into it (see photo). The hair's a bit better than yesterday, the smile is creepy (deer in headlights look - so not sexy), and I still can't get my shoes in the shot. Maybe I will cut my head off in lieu of shoe shot, because we all know - it's always about the shoe
Monday, June 1, 2009
New Week for New Habits

Woo Hoo - it's Monday...Yeah, I know - not supposed to be so happy for a Monday, but I am for the major reason: I am once again a member of 24-hour fitness. I dropped my membership thinking it would save me money. Ha! I was wrong. Skippin workouts only lead me to deeper depression and spending more money resale shopping. So when I received the letter begging me to come back with promises of deep discounts, yada yada yada...I thought "why the hell not?" So tonight I will be turbo kicking my way back to sanity! Woo hoo for Monday.
Also, I read a megaload of fashion blogs. One of my favs is Fab Finds. Kimberly has done a great job keeping us frugal fashionistas updated and for providing some chic outfit ideas. So I've printed her fashioin calendar for June and here in my first attempt at dressing by the dots (instead of Nautical, Terrie and I changed it Seersucker Monday). Disregard the Cruella Deville hair and the poinsettias on the floor (I'm too lazy to store those holiday flowers).
Friday, May 29, 2009
Happy Happy Friday
It's a beautiful day in the city (no, not NYC - but Houston - a girl can continue to dream, right?). Prospecting weather to hit around 90 degrees with no humidity - woo-freakin-hoo! That means no limp hair and no sweat dripping down the back of my thighs at 7am!!!!
The other great thing about today is this AM's weigh-in: 164.0! Yeah baby!! I'm also up to 50 crunches and 10 push-ups. Man, not working out through the semester really pushes a girl out of shape. But I'm not dwelling on the low set numbers, I am elated that I am able to do anything at this point without hurting myself. So today's goal (since it's a non-workout day) is to not overeat or overdrink. Ahhhh, vino at the park!
The other great thing about today is this AM's weigh-in: 164.0! Yeah baby!! I'm also up to 50 crunches and 10 push-ups. Man, not working out through the semester really pushes a girl out of shape. But I'm not dwelling on the low set numbers, I am elated that I am able to do anything at this point without hurting myself. So today's goal (since it's a non-workout day) is to not overeat or overdrink. Ahhhh, vino at the park!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Skippin Across the Tracks
I can't say I'm back on track, but I can say I am happily skipping across the tracks.
This morning's weight: 164.6 (down from 167.something from yesterday). Yes, I know it's just the salt intake from inhaling giganticus bags of kettle corn chips and cheetos puffed corn (those are devilishly addictive) pouring out of my system thanks to copious amounts of water consumed and lost yesterday.
Zumba, a great laugh if nothing else, totally kicked my arse yesterday evening. But I plan to continue the weekly guffaws and hip sways along with my weekly walks. Soon, I will incorporate weekly yoga (how I miss yoga) to help center my chi.
This morning's weight: 164.6 (down from 167.something from yesterday). Yes, I know it's just the salt intake from inhaling giganticus bags of kettle corn chips and cheetos puffed corn (those are devilishly addictive) pouring out of my system thanks to copious amounts of water consumed and lost yesterday.
Zumba, a great laugh if nothing else, totally kicked my arse yesterday evening. But I plan to continue the weekly guffaws and hip sways along with my weekly walks. Soon, I will incorporate weekly yoga (how I miss yoga) to help center my chi.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Where in the world have you been?
Whew! It’s been ages since my last blog, so long ago – I was wishing folks a Merry Christmas in Hawaiian!!!! Well, it’s been a stressful few months with school & work kicking my butt and the results of this stress aren’t pretty. Tippin the scale at 169 this week has, yet again, refueled my drive to workout and eat healthy. Stress has also hit my pocket book. Although it’s been resale shopping, my epiphany came when I spent a total $120 over the course of visiting 3 resale shops in 1 day! Goodness! What the heck was I thinking?
Anyhoo. Now that school is done for the moment, I can take a breather and relax. I am working on getting back on track health-wise. I have been actually weeding and clipping my garden (even tossing some water out there every now and again). I am trying to stop and smell the roses – literally since mine are blooming like weeds, only prettier.
No, I will not be snapping photos of my meals – but you can find me on tracking my calories and workouts.
I will try to restart expressing my thoughts and stop beating up on The Fella when things don’t go my way.
With that said, I will say – Welcome Back!
Anyhoo. Now that school is done for the moment, I can take a breather and relax. I am working on getting back on track health-wise. I have been actually weeding and clipping my garden (even tossing some water out there every now and again). I am trying to stop and smell the roses – literally since mine are blooming like weeds, only prettier.
No, I will not be snapping photos of my meals – but you can find me on tracking my calories and workouts.
I will try to restart expressing my thoughts and stop beating up on The Fella when things don’t go my way.
With that said, I will say – Welcome Back!
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