Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Newsflash Houston - It's Winter!
So today on the land crab, I noticed folks in all manners of dress - mostly scrubs since I was heading to the medical center. People wear fleece and shiver, leather and shiver and nothing at all and shiver. Hello people, it's winter - it was probably 48 degrees by the time I got on the train. I only have on a long sleeve shirt and pants and frankly I needed a jacket! But these other folk - I don't know their excuses...wearing jackets and pulling on the sleeves because their hands are cold, women wearing men's hats - good lawd. Someone should take them all on a field trip to Burlington Coat Factory and show these yokels what winter clothes look like.
It's global warming - our temperatures have been changing for the past 10 years. Hello, it snowed here twice within 4 years - something's going on.
A piece of advice I offer to you...buy a COAT, a pair of gloves, a nice scarf, and if you must don a chapeau - make it stylish for your head - not mannish!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008

College students are not as intelligent as we think they should be (use your own adjective) - that's a given...or maybe I'm just old...that's probably more the truth.
But today's vent is directed at, yet again, my Minorities Professor. Granted this course was to implore us to overcome our own prejudices held against minorities by gleaming a small, but informative, piece of their history and culture. In my opinion, that's a fair goal for the course. However, yesterday was it! Thank goodness it was the last official day of class.
The ignorance that comes out of this man's mouth just floors me. As a "professor", he is supposed to be full of knowledge based on his learning experience. But yet, he, himself, can not get past his own prejudices. To say that Tookie Williams was undeserving of the noble prize (yes, we are entitled to our opinions) is LUDICROUS!!!! A man who, unfortunately was the founder of the most heinous gang in LA, attempted to right the wrong from jail. He worked on decreasing jail violence and counseled gang members as they entered/existed the system.
To further imply that the genocide in Darfur did not get the "airplay" it deserved in the US news is another moronic statement. Even today, the NY Times has a section dedicated to each continent. If we want news from Sri Lanka, there are places on the web to get the news. I have been abreast of the events happening on the African continent as well as events happening right here in my town. Granted, our news is slanted, but it is still news.
It is pointless to argue with him since he his belief that women shouldn't be as educated as men. I know I intimidate him and that's ok with me. The semester is over. I only have to return to take the exam. Give me my "A" and we can move on peacefully - he in his ignorance, I in my satisifaction in knowing that I am not as ignorant as he.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

With the passing of Thanksgiving, it affords us time to reflect on what we are thankful for. In these harsh times of a devastating economy, an unjust war, increase in poverty and crime, being thankful is almost criminal in itself.
If so, then I will gladly commit the crime. I am thankful for my family - my natural and my absorbed. I call parts of my family absorbed since, technically, we are closer than friends but not family. They are sisters I can call on when I need to vent, cry, yell, laugh or when they need me to do the same.
I am thankful that even after Ike, I still have a solid roof over my head (no blue tarps) and that I can pay my mortgage on time.
I am thankful that this semester is almost over and that I will finally, after ______ years will have completed my undergrad degree.
I am thankful that it has taken me ______ years to complete my degree because this has allowed me to FINALLY realize what I want to do with the rest of my life and how I can make an impact upon the world.
I am thankful that it has taken me ____ years to complete my degree because the time has allowed me to experience events that I will take with me for a lifetime (almost all of them good experiences).
I am thankful that I have a wonderful man in my life. He brightens my days and warms my nights (except when it's 80 degrees at midnight, then there's no need for warmth). He talks with me and to me. He keeps me grounded, but allows me to dream.
I am thankful that I have the opportunity to voice my disgust, my joys, my aspirations, my fears without repercussions or detention.
I am simply thankful for this year, the year of the Rat, my year! I have tried to live within its full potential and experience all that I can.
I am hopeful that next year will be just as great, if not better, than this year.
Image courtesy of: http://sarahheidt.mennonite.net/.cWcustom/shop/products_new.php?page=3
Sunday, November 23, 2008
New York South

I love this time of year, yet it is also a depressing time of year for me. It's the time, beginning in late August and running through the New Year, that I reflect on the time I lived in New York (City that is). Although the weather in Houston can be more temperate between August and October as opposed to Fall settling in across the Tri-State area, New York offers a wide range of events, colors, and smells to bring you through to the New Year.
Yesterday, however, I found a little piece of New York right here in Houston. From eying the food and fashion at the Midtown Farmers' Market to watching the colors jump off the street during Via Colori, it may not be strolling through Central Park and getting lost at the MoMA, it is my slice of pie.
I told The Fella recently that in order to fight the impeding depression, I need to recreate my own New York right here. So what does that mean? To me, NYC is Central Park, jazz, Alvin Ailey, art and street fairs. It's ethnic food, good wine, and time spent with good friends. So essentially, I can have my version of New York, right here in Houston. We have Hermann Park, decent jazz music, The Contemporary Arts Museum, farmers markets are as close to a street fair as I will get, ethnic food does not consist of Mexican, great wines and best of friends. And if I can see the silver lining, Alvin Ailey will be here in March!!!
I may not have snow on the ground and the sights, sounds and smell of the subway everyday, but with the help of my friends and a little imagination I can pretend until I can back to where I left my heart.
Image from: Diva Dog Extraordinaire on Myspace.com
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Expand Your Consciousness

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Can't possibly be 5 lbs of H2O
Regardless if the water gods saw fit to strike me down with the extra poundage, I know that it's gone. I am back to what I am used to the scale revealing. Granted it's still 10 lbs more than my goal which was set almost 6 months ago - but this is a work in progress.
This return to "normalacy" does not mean that I am dropping my 5 am workouts and skipping my off evening committments. In the short two days, I have found them slightly exhilarating and I am hoping that by next week, I wont be dragging my arse around by 4:30pm. Plus, I just ordered a new DVD and I can't wait to put this one into rotation.
Granted, it's only been 4 days (I'm counting Saturday's workout) and I know for me it takes 2 weeks to form a new habit, but I am optimistic that this will work. Yes, I need to keep my food journal - I still have issues writing that down - but I am mindful about what I pack for lunch during the work-week.
Here's the rest of the week's line-up:
Tonight is a 3-mile walk with The Fella, if the rain stops.
Friday - dancing
Saturday - Turbo Jam 3-T workout or actually making it to the gym for a kickboxing class
Sunday - hopefully I can find a yoga class at the gym
Woo hoo - accountability!!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Diet coke does not cancel calories
I am posting early as a way to keep myself accountable since today is my evening workout day.
Yesterday's meal, on a scale of "right-on" vs. "whatchutalkingbout willis", I would have to say it was in the middle with Mrs. Garret screaming Tootie!. Because I know better. I did slack and tried to curb my sweet craving with bread pudding at lunch and a skinny chai latte during my 7pm class. I honestly think it has been these Starbucks drinks, skinny or not, that have added these extra pounds. So yesterday was the final day for anything delicious. Just kidding. I can't say that my eating plan is back on track since I had a whole wheat blueberry pancake for breakfast this morning - not over the calorie count and I know I have to watch the rest of the day. Thank goodness for packing my lunch.
So the saga continues...the woes and joys of eating and working out. But I know Chalene has something in store for me this evening and I am actually looking forward to slipping in the Turbo Jam Cardio Party DVD this evening.
Thanks for letting me stay accountable to me and for the mindless ramble!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Where the hell did those extra pounds come from?

I have, however, gained 3.5 lbs in the last few days. I can only attribute this weight gain to the evils that is Starbucks. Damn those venti green tea lattes and pumpkin loaf! Or it could be possibly due to the staple of pasta I’ve had as leftovers this past week (mmmm, sautéed shrimp and asparagus in pesto over bow tie). Ok, I better stop before my apple/cinnamon oatmeal never sees the pit of my stomach.
Since I returned to school, my evening workouts have suffered tremendously. The kickboxing classes I looked forward to in the evening fall on the days of my current course schedule and I find other things to do on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
And in an effort to save some money, I am freezing my gym membership for the next 3 months (reminder to log on to www.24hourfitness.com). I know some of ya’ll are saying with the DVDs (note profile, complete exercise DVD junkie) why have a gym membership? I can add even more lighter fluid to the fire. I also have a treadmill, free weights, and a weight bench. The gym membership is a way to get my butt out of the house and not go to the mall. But it is all coming to an end for the next 3 months.
I will also add to your sheer boredom in an effort to keep myself accountable, I will return to keeping my online food diary as well as workout diary, probably through the blog since I am terrible about logging in to www.calorie-count.com.
Today is kick-off day:
8:00am breakfast: apple/cinnamon oatmeal (130 cal)
Photo courtesy of Associated ContentThursday, October 9, 2008
Hello, I too am a Shopaholic

Obviously, I am not the only feeling the pain. Sal at Already Pretty and Budget Chic are saying the same thing. It is time to slow or even stop our spending. Sal has developed a good plan, one I think I can TRY to incorporate into my lifestyle. I love to thrift shop too so at least I’m not quitting cold turkey. The one other thing I will add to her list is no more ebay buying.
Do you have the shopping disease too? Are you planning to curb your spending as the economy continues to tank?Image courtesy of cartoonsbyray.com
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Fashion Wasteland
I work in a world full of women, some stylish; some who seem to dress in the dark. But not one of my co-workers expresses an interest in anything fashionable. It just seems like I spending my morning conversing with brick walls. So, I sit at my computer screen, clicking away for the latest item(s) that may possibly find a home in my closet.
If you find yourself in a fashion wasteland with no one to share your joys, oohs, ahhs or squeals over the latest pics from Fashion Week NYC, London or Milan, or the newest bargain, know that you are not alone.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Urban Camping
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Don't Beat Me, Ike
Call me whatever you like, but I am soooooo over Ike. I am truly over people who still have their homes bitching and griping about the lack of power. I am truly done with folks who even before the storm could not master the art of the 4-way stop. If one more person asks me if I have lights, need ice or water, or know where they can get gas I think I will implode.
Folks, we had ample warning even if the all-knowing magicians we call weathermen did not know exactly where the eye would hit. You had plenty of time to stock up on batteries, booze, water, food. You should know to fill your bathtub and every other available vessel that would hold water. Hell, even the emergency signage along the highway reminded you to keep your gas tanks full. It’s HURRICANE SEASON and we live on the
We bad-mouthed “those” people from
I am over my survivor’s guilt. I don’t have power, but my roof is in tact. I have a downed fence, but it was old and needed to be repaired. I don’t have gas cooking, but I do have hot water. So unlike my best friend who has a hole in her ceiling and a co-worker who’s home flooded AND the roof caved in, I’m in a pretty good situation.
Folks need to stop bemoaning the lack of power and think of helping your neighbors who can’t afford to pay $400 - $800 to have those trees cut that feel in their yards. Thank the grocery workers, hospital workers, first responders, bus drivers, hell even the mall workers that are able to provide you with some semblance of normalcy. Yeah, you’re lights will be back on and you’ll be back to bitching about that high-ass light bill when Reliant sends you your part of the clean-up.
So, I’m done.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Which SATC Character are You?

Lately, it hasn’t been much SATC action going on, but recent convos with gfs lead to me to me seek out some quizzes… Which SATC Character are You? The iVillage quiz breaks me down to 40% Carrie, 30% Samantha, 20%
Now, on to Quiz Farm for their version… I like the results much better (plus their questions are spicy). I am definitely a bitchy queen with an acute sense of fashion and penchant for cute boys, like Stanford Blatch, by 92% and 75% Miranda, for my blunt reality checks. Now that’s more like it.
But what started the ball rolling is the ongoing convo with Chica…she’s having trouble with a new boy, go figure. She tries so hard to be Carrie, but she told me she was having a “
We are all visually stimulated. However, women are the more cerebral of the species, so there comes a point in time when we move past the physical to the mental. Physically, he doesn’t fit your preconceived notion of an ideal mate. He may be short in stature, but is still manly when you don your four inch heels. He may be paunchy around the middle, but will make every effort to workout with you. However, if he needs to purchase extendz or the penis pump – then all bets are off.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Lame Rules

Since the rise of gas prices, commuting in this city isn’t the easiest depending on your proximity to alternative means of transportation. I’ve been a faithful proponent of public transportation ever since moving back from NYC where u can travel around town, upstate, downstate, etc via mass transit. However, since I have low tolerance for stoopid drivers and tend to get white-knuckled and start having raving conversations with the invisible passenger (or road-rage as some may call it), I religiously make it the park-n-ride by 7am so I can plug in and tune out on my way to work.
I don’t blame the Chinese couple for jumping up and getting off the bus. Everyone else takes their damn time and some of us have to transfer to another bus before hitting our final destination. I’m not sure why the sub-urban counterculture makes up these lame rules of standing in line for the bus, standing in line to get off the bus, and how they develop the mentality that public transportation is their personal limo service. If I didn’t have fat boy sitting on my hip today (I generally sit on the inside next to the window so I don’t have women and their ‘luggage’ banging into my shoulder) I would have jumped up and gotten off the bus quick, fast, and in a hurry.
So to the suburban-nites, it’s ok to buck your lame rules every now and again – not everyone conforms to the cookie-cutter homes, cookie-cutter cars, and cookie-cutter rules you attempt to impose and sometimes, we need to be first.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Following My Inner Ra

I make no bones about it - I am a true sun worshiper, quite possibly a follower of Ra. So any chance available for me to don my swimsuit, lavishly apply coconut oil and bake until a crispy brown – I am all for it.
But that lead me to Google “reasons to tan”. I found three articles published in scientific journals, two based on a study conducted at University of South Florida (all participants were female, and only 0.7% of the study participants were African American – go figure)[1],[2]. The study didn’t tell me anything new. People tan because the media tells them a tan body is better than a pasty pale one. People are forced by their peers to tan. The “Euro Assumption” – a tanned body shows that you spent money on a vacation (because there was the thinking way back when travel was expensive, that only the wealthy vacationed).
The third article was a bit more interesting. This study looked at people who have Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). BDD is a serious illness when a person is preoccupied with minor or imaginary physical flaws, usually of the skin, hair, and nose[3]. The study results show that people with this disorder tan to camouflage perceived imperfections and that those who pick at their skin are more likely to tan (since picking can be done not just with your fingers, but with sharp instruments which can cause more damage)[4].
Needless to say neither of the scientific articles gave me much insight into why I tan. I am not trying to hide any imperfections, make my stomach look smaller, or because the media sends conflicting messages about peaches and cream skin or nice tan bodies covered in coconut oil.
I tan because I just love being in the sun and I love seeing my skin turn that cooper color. So pass me the coconut oil and let the sun shine in!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Counter Culture
My most favorite car was my 94 Nissan Sentra. I never named her, but we went through thick and thin together. Bought her in 96 with 91K miles on it (yes, it was only 2 years old and the previous owner drove the heck out of that car). I took her to NYC and she was a trooper through the brutal winters and mild summers. Brought her back to Houston in 2001 and we made it almost 10 years. Until 2006, some jerk backed into her. So I passed her on to a friend, I thought would take care of her. I cried when she left. I didn't even clean it out - I just let her go in tact. Well sadly enough, I received a call 2 months ago that my friend sold her for scrap. 270K miles later, she's gone - for good. I said my peace and she will never be replaced.
However, I now have Beanie, my big 1981 reddish brown 240 Volvo, with all his/her quirks. I think Beanie is a tranny - some days she acts like a girl and some days the man side comes out. The sunroof works for a while, then gets stuck. The windshield leaks. The glove compartment flies open unannounced. But all in all, Beanie's a great Volvo.
Have given all this background info, it's dawned on me that I have now entered into a counterculture of folks who drive the big box on wheels, those Balbo owners. We take so much flack because it's not the sexiest car on the road, but I tell you what - Beanie can handle a turn at 60-65 mph better than a mustang. We are laughed at because, yes it's essentially a box, but it is the safest car without airbags on the road. When you own a real Volvo (before Ford purchased them), other Volvo drivers look out for you, they honk, they flash their lights, all in greeting other Volvo drivers. It's an equivalent to a secret handshake.
So laugh all you want at my old car. But Beanie is mine, mine, mine - I wont trade her for anything in the world (not even that 2008 Nissan Altmia Coupe in Ruby Red). And even though I can't race you at 80 mph on the straight-a-way, I can still get you on the curve when you have to brake and downshift.
I love my Beanie!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Mother Know's Best
Thank you to T-Love for your kind words in my inbox this morning.
Thank you P-Diddy for being the encourager, the warrior, the fearless one.
Thank you KJC for showing me that little things do mean a lot to those around us and for being a survivor.
Thank you Big M for being the voice of wisdom and reason.
Thank you JCF for the passion, love and flowers.
And lastly, thanks to the Boston Celtics who overcame a deep deficit to beat those LA Beetchez!!!!! Yeah, baby.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
How Black is Too Black?
Recent NY Times article on “How Black is too black” started my wheels turning (plus, I am still reeling from the Defending Democracy exhibit at the Station Museum). We (most of my Black friends) are excited about the current trend of promised change and with the hopes that we will set a World’s record and vote a Black man into the White House. However, the NY Times has done another bang up job of saying, “Yes, he’s good but…”
Is Barack too Black to be our next President of this screwed up nation? Or has he learned, in his short tenure, how to play the political game and turn off and on his “blackness”? Is this just a milder form of racism? Is he appeasing da Man, playing the step and fetch? Is Barack staying true to himself? Or do we have to constantly read more articles on why he and Michele do the knuckle bump?
We all know the he is not staying true to himself (say what you want). Take a look at the Rev. Wright situation. He back pedaled away from a lifelong friend because it wasn’t White friendly. I am not going to beat that dead situation; however, Rev. Wright is from the same generation as Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson. So the message is the same.
Why is it that in this day and age, we still have issues with color? Take a look around folks, there are increasing numbers of mixed couples that we are becoming a nation of colorless lines.
So can we move past sounding White, acting Black/acting White, not claiming the Black members of your families or dissecting your ethic background and get on with the issues at hand – the senseless war overseas with over 4000 soldiers (not counting civilians) dead, the poor and hungry in our own backyard, the poorly educated youth who are supposed to be our future leaders, etc.?
Things that tend to irk me
Things that irk me about commuting in Houston:
1. People who go overboard with the perfume, cologne, or lotion. In an enclosed space (ie the bus), the smells are heightened and trapped and make me want to hurl.
2. The wheels on the bus go round and round...why do you need to speak to the woman 2 seats up so early in the morning. Why not do 1 of 2 things, sit next to her so ya'll can chit chat like hens or pass her notes like you did in HS English.
3. If you technically should be in two seats, don't sit on my hip. Slide that girth two inches to the left so I'm not squished up next to the window.
4. If you plan to listen to your MP3 player, use noise canceling , not noise-enabling headphones. No one else wants to know that you still rock out to the Bee Gees at 6:50am.
5. If the train is crowded because our Metro service isn't bright enough to add double trains during peak hours, drop your packs so others can ride without being stabbed in the chest by your oversize luggage.
I know there are other irksome issues I possess, but this is a good start. Probably not the best way to start off this new journal, but hey - it's my journal just the same.