Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Expand Your Consciousness

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Can't possibly be 5 lbs of H2O
Regardless if the water gods saw fit to strike me down with the extra poundage, I know that it's gone. I am back to what I am used to the scale revealing. Granted it's still 10 lbs more than my goal which was set almost 6 months ago - but this is a work in progress.
This return to "normalacy" does not mean that I am dropping my 5 am workouts and skipping my off evening committments. In the short two days, I have found them slightly exhilarating and I am hoping that by next week, I wont be dragging my arse around by 4:30pm. Plus, I just ordered a new DVD and I can't wait to put this one into rotation.
Granted, it's only been 4 days (I'm counting Saturday's workout) and I know for me it takes 2 weeks to form a new habit, but I am optimistic that this will work. Yes, I need to keep my food journal - I still have issues writing that down - but I am mindful about what I pack for lunch during the work-week.
Here's the rest of the week's line-up:
Tonight is a 3-mile walk with The Fella, if the rain stops.
Friday - dancing
Saturday - Turbo Jam 3-T workout or actually making it to the gym for a kickboxing class
Sunday - hopefully I can find a yoga class at the gym
Woo hoo - accountability!!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Diet coke does not cancel calories
I am posting early as a way to keep myself accountable since today is my evening workout day.
Yesterday's meal, on a scale of "right-on" vs. "whatchutalkingbout willis", I would have to say it was in the middle with Mrs. Garret screaming Tootie!. Because I know better. I did slack and tried to curb my sweet craving with bread pudding at lunch and a skinny chai latte during my 7pm class. I honestly think it has been these Starbucks drinks, skinny or not, that have added these extra pounds. So yesterday was the final day for anything delicious. Just kidding. I can't say that my eating plan is back on track since I had a whole wheat blueberry pancake for breakfast this morning - not over the calorie count and I know I have to watch the rest of the day. Thank goodness for packing my lunch.
So the saga continues...the woes and joys of eating and working out. But I know Chalene has something in store for me this evening and I am actually looking forward to slipping in the Turbo Jam Cardio Party DVD this evening.
Thanks for letting me stay accountable to me and for the mindless ramble!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Where the hell did those extra pounds come from?

I have, however, gained 3.5 lbs in the last few days. I can only attribute this weight gain to the evils that is Starbucks. Damn those venti green tea lattes and pumpkin loaf! Or it could be possibly due to the staple of pasta I’ve had as leftovers this past week (mmmm, sautéed shrimp and asparagus in pesto over bow tie). Ok, I better stop before my apple/cinnamon oatmeal never sees the pit of my stomach.
Since I returned to school, my evening workouts have suffered tremendously. The kickboxing classes I looked forward to in the evening fall on the days of my current course schedule and I find other things to do on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
And in an effort to save some money, I am freezing my gym membership for the next 3 months (reminder to log on to www.24hourfitness.com). I know some of ya’ll are saying with the DVDs (note profile, complete exercise DVD junkie) why have a gym membership? I can add even more lighter fluid to the fire. I also have a treadmill, free weights, and a weight bench. The gym membership is a way to get my butt out of the house and not go to the mall. But it is all coming to an end for the next 3 months.
I will also add to your sheer boredom in an effort to keep myself accountable, I will return to keeping my online food diary as well as workout diary, probably through the blog since I am terrible about logging in to www.calorie-count.com.
Today is kick-off day:
8:00am breakfast: apple/cinnamon oatmeal (130 cal)
Photo courtesy of Associated ContentThursday, October 9, 2008
Hello, I too am a Shopaholic

Obviously, I am not the only feeling the pain. Sal at Already Pretty and Budget Chic are saying the same thing. It is time to slow or even stop our spending. Sal has developed a good plan, one I think I can TRY to incorporate into my lifestyle. I love to thrift shop too so at least I’m not quitting cold turkey. The one other thing I will add to her list is no more ebay buying.
Do you have the shopping disease too? Are you planning to curb your spending as the economy continues to tank?Image courtesy of cartoonsbyray.com