Wait a minute, LaShaune... You're supposed to be eating clean for the next 90 days and I doubt that CrackDonalds counts as a clean meal. Hell, not even a cheat meal. So off to Staryucks I go - grab the protein box. I even tried to eat the power muffin that comes with it. Today, it tasted AWFUL. One bite and BAM! in the compost pile.
Whew! Breakfast crisis averted for today. Tomorrow is another story. I really need to roll to the supermarket.
Now my other issue with fruits/veggies is dinner time. Living with The Fella has been a bit different. His ideal meal is lots 'o meat and lots 'o carbs. Well, now that I'm attempting this 90 challenge (What? I didn't tell you about the challenge..hmmm...ok - well, we are going to eat as clean as possible for the next 88 days. Sorry Buddy). Yes, The Fella reads my blog too. Last night I had to laugh as I was serving plates. I reached for the spinach and he says...but we have asparagus. Little did he know I was sneaking in 2 veggies for dinner. Spinach as the base of the meal, layered with couscous, topped with baked salmon with a side of asparagus. How's that for getting in my recommended serving?
Do you sneak in veggies? Do you have a difficult time getting your family to eat more fruits/veggies?