Thursday, July 15, 2010

You looka like...

Not a man as Ms. Swan would say....

But apparently I look as if I've lost weight or more people are noticing or I'm finally wearing more size-appropriate clothes. Whatever it is, it's flattering.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the bank...One of the College employees (I see her every now and again in the cafeteria) stopped me and asked how I lost so much weight. My answer to her is simple, eat right and exercise 5 days a week.  Her incredulous look is the same I get from most people: "you mean, I've got to sweat 5 days a week?"

Um, yeah honey...sorry.

Actually, I'm not sorry. I did mention to her that it's easier to stay committed when you find an workout that you enjoy. It doesn't mean being in the gym 5 days a week unless that's what you like.

Having said that stuff about commitments, I've been slacking. BIG TIME. I've realized that I was all gung-ho over Clean Eating and making meals plans. But then something went all wonky and I fell off the bull, so to speak. I thought I was holding on the horns, but apparently not strong enough to ride it through to submission. (Hook em Horns)...

Ok, ok enough of the Longhorn lingo.  Can someone say A trip East is needed STAT?!

So tell do you stay on the bull? 


Cat said...

I believe you are doing part of it right here, the more people that know, the more encouragement, or kick inna butt, or what have you, is available. (Avail a bull? :D Sorry...)

But sometimes, it's just getting up and trying again. GO GIRL GO!!!


to dream the KIMpossible dream said...

I have been slacking on my food BIG TIME. I still eat within my diet plan (South Beach), but I have not been eating as many veggies and fruits as I should be. It seems the busier/more stressed out I am at work has a direct bearing on my desire for a quick fix meal which is not as healthy as thoughtful preparation, if that makes sense. I should prep on the weekends so my grab-its are in the fridge.

Let's face it - if you want it bad enough, you have to work at it constantly - it's a never ending battle.

Angela said...

just keep on trying. it is okay to let go but always try to get back to routine. : )

The Merry said...

I never manage to stay on, but I'm getting a lot better at getting Right Back On :)