Lately, it hasn’t been much SATC action going on, but recent convos with gfs lead to me to me seek out some quizzes… Which SATC Character are You? The iVillage quiz breaks me down to 40% Carrie, 30% Samantha, 20% Charlotte, and 10% Miranda.
I found that odd because, yes like Carrie, I have a love for fashion but I don’t spend my entire paycheck on $500 Jimmy Choos or $1100 D & G dresses (although, I do have my eye on a pair of D & G boots for the winter). I tend to think of myself as a cross between Samantha for her liberated mentality and Miranda for her pragmatism, bluntness and her convictions. Rarely, would I consider myself the ever so optimistic, romantic, fairy-tale loving Charlotte.
Now, on to Quiz Farm for their version… I like the results much better (plus their questions are spicy). I am definitely a bitchy queen with an acute sense of fashion and penchant for cute boys, like Stanford Blatch, by 92% and 75% Miranda, for my blunt reality checks. Now that’s more like it.
But what started the ball rolling is the ongoing convo with Chica…she’s having trouble with a new boy, go figure. She tries so hard to be Carrie, but she told me she was having a “Charlotte” moment. But guess what Chica, Charlotte chose the short, hairy, Jew! Carrie always jacked up every relationship she had because she always thought there was something better. Guess what honey? The martinis aren’t always better at the next bar.
We are all visually stimulated. However, women are the more cerebral of the species, so there comes a point in time when we move past the physical to the mental. Physically, he doesn’t fit your preconceived notion of an ideal mate. He may be short in stature, but is still manly when you don your four inch heels. He may be paunchy around the middle, but will make every effort to workout with you. However, if he needs to purchase extendz or the penis pump – then all bets are off.
Enter your inner Charlotte. Does he make you laugh? Can you talk to him endlessly about anything? Do you share common interests? Are there things he has learned from you and vice versa? Does he make an effort to touch, kiss, or just be near you? Does he man-up? I think we ladies have been conditioned to strive for excellence and we have learned to do everything without the aide of a man. We seem to forget the small, romantic things that make our hearts burn. We also tend to over-analyze situations and make mountains out of mole hills.
You told me, yes you Chica, to enjoy the ride. So I’m throwing your advice back at you. It may not always be “The City” but you’re an inventive woman – so make the best of the situation and create your own city (strobe lights, cocktails, dance music, exotic foods, and lively convos about any and everything). Look past the small physical imperfections and see what else there is to offer. Enjoy the time and space you are being provided and take the enjoyment into your next phase of Charlottedom.